Understand your customer

Profiling, Segmentation, Targeting and Recommendation using Microsoft Azure ML, SQL, Power BI

  • What Will I Learn?

    Prepare data using SQL Understand the main conceptions of classification models Construct a customer dashboard using Power BI Create a segmentation model using SQL Build a targeting model using Azure ML Build a recommendation system using Azure ML

  • The course is for you if

    you have solid business knowledge as Business Analyst, Marketer, manager or analytical mindset regardless in which department you have been working

  • This course may not be for you if

    you are looking for an in-depth discussion of the deeper mathematical and statistical theories behind the data science algorithms.

Pricing options


Throughout the course, you will learn the basics concepts in order to understand and apply advanced analytics.

You will engage in 5 hands-on labs for creating advanced models.

Because our goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible, we’ll cover through the 30 lectures,

You will learn the main concepts of data science such as Data mining Process, Machine learning, and classification model.

You will be introduced to a Marketing framework analysis based on 4 elements: Explore, Segment, Target and Recommend.

You will learn the basics of three tools: SQL, Power BI, and Microsoft Azure ML.

You will be able to test and practice all these skills through 5 Quizzes and 5 hands-on Labs: Data Preparation using SQL, Customer Dashboard using POWER BI, managerial segmentation with SQL, targeting and recommendation models using Microsoft Azure ML Studio.

The ultimate course purpose is to unleash the potential of data science for your career and your organization

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. A message from the instructor

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Set the expectations

    2. Introduction : Citizen Data Scientist

    1. Introduction

    2. Definitions

    3. Data Science Process

    4. Data Science Toolbox

    5. Setup the Lab Environment : Tools & Data

    6. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

    7. Marketing Framework Analysis

    8. Quiz 1

    1. Introduction

    2. Case study : Adventure Works

    3. SQL Basics

    4. Install Adventure Works Database

    5. Lab 1 : Data preparation using SQL

    6. Lab 2 : Customer Dashboard using Power BI

    7. Quiz 2

    1. Introduction

    2. Types of segmentation

    3. Managerial Segmentation

    4. Lab 3 : Managerial segmentation using SQL

    1. Introduction

    2. Classification Model : the Basics

    3. Classification fundamental concept : Bias-Variance Tradeoff

    4. Overview Diagram of Azure Machine Learning Studio

    5. Lab 4 : Bike Buyers targeting using Azure ML - Part 1

    6. Lab 4 : Bike Buyers targeting using Azure ML - Part 2

    7. Quiz 4

About this course

  • Gratuit
  • 38 leçons
  • 1 heures de contenu vidéo

Take your skills to the next level


Mohamed Jendoubi

Scientifique de Données, Fondateur d'Uluumy

Je suis passionné par l’intelligence artificielle, l’entrepreneuriat et l’apprentissage de nouvelles connaissances. Je suis motivé chaque jour par la volonté d’avoir un impact positif autour de moi. À la Banque de développement du Canada (bdc), où j’ai été en poste pendant plus d’une décennie comme scientifique de données, j’ai contribué à plusieurs projets analytiques et de transformations numériques au sein des équipes de marketing et de financement. Mon travail au sein de la bdc, m’a aussi permis de constater l’ampleur des défis de transformations numériques pour les petites et moyennes entreprises. Pour réussir leur transformation, ces entreprises ont besoin d’améliorer la compétence de leurs employés. J’ai fondé Uluumy, pour aider à transformer les défis vécus par les entrepreneurs et les professionnels en opportunités en misant sur le développement professionnel et la formation continue.